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bandavond Unitas

  • JV Unitas Wageningen 31 Herenstraat Wageningen, GE, 6701 DH Netherlands (kaart)

Unitas' own Imposter Syndrome will kick the bandnight off at the 10th June at 20:00. Playing some metal covers and some of their own work.
Don't miss this band that is still in their infancy and exploring different sounds.

at 21:30 on the 10th of June The Loud Galloping sounds of Trash metal will fill the basement as obnoxious taks the stage. This band born in Arnhem Features heavy Guitars and even Heavier Drums.

Ergens in een duister maïsveld is Cannibalistic Sqvirrel geboren. Met een crossover van Thrash, Speed en Punk zijn ze bezig met hun missie. Namelijk elk podium in elk dorp slopen!
Kom 10 juni naar onze bandavond!

8 juni

Open Feest Nji-Sri

15 juni

open feest ssr-w